Apps That Teach Crochet: Learn How to Download

Discover how to learn crochet online with ease through various educational apps. 

We'll explore the benefits and guide you through choosing and downloading the perfect app to start your stitching journey. 


Unravel the possibilities and begin your crochet education right from your fingertips.

Why Learn Crochet Through Apps?

Embark on your crochet journey with ease and efficiency through app-based learning.

  • Convenience: Learn crochet anytime, anywhere.
  • Variety: Access diverse tutorials and resources.
  • Interactivity: Engage in hands-on practice and demonstrations.
  • Community: Connect with fellow stitchers for support and inspiration.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your skills advancement and set goals.
  • Flexibility: Customize your learning pace to suit your schedule.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Affordable alternative to traditional classes.
  • Technique Exploration: Explore a wide range of stitching techniques and styles.

Apps That Teach Crochet: Learn How to Download


How to Choose the Right Crochet App

Navigate the vast crochet apps confidently by following these essential selection criteria.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Opt for apps with intuitive navigation and clear instructions.
  • Tutorial Quality: Look for comprehensive tutorials with step-by-step guidance.
  • Community Engagement: Seek apps that foster a supportive and active community.
  • Customization Options: Choose apps that allow you to personalize your learning experience.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the app is compatible with your device and operating system.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Consider user reviews and ratings to gauge the app's effectiveness.
  • Updates and Support: Select apps that receive regular updates and offer customer support.
  • Pricing: Evaluate the app's pricing model and any additional costs for premium features.

Top Crochet Learning Apps

Discover the top crochet apps for Android and iOS, offering a range of features to enhance your stitching experience.


Ravelry is a vibrant online hub for knitting and crochet enthusiasts. It provides a vast pattern database and interactive forums. 


It's a go-to platform for inspiration, community engagement, and project organization in the fiber arts community.


  • Rich community engagement
  • Vast pattern selection
  • Ability to save favorite patterns


  • Some users find the interface overwhelming
  • Occasional slow loading times

Availability: Android and iOS


Hobbii is a comprehensive platform catering to yarn enthusiasts, offering diverse yarns, patterns, and tutorials. 

Hobbii offers a user-friendly interface and diverse product selection, providing a convenient resource for crafters of all levels.


  • Simple interface
  • Wide range of yarn options
  • frequent updates with new products


  • Limited free content
  • Occasional bugs in the app

Availability: Android and iOS

Apps That Teach Crochet: Learn How to Download

Crochet Buddy

Crochet Buddy is a handy app designed to assist crocheters. It features features like stitch counters, a pattern library, and video tutorials. 

Crochet Buddy is an essential tool for crocheters. It offers a user-friendly interface and customizable features to organize and guide projects for all skill levels.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Customizable features
  • Offline access to patterns


  • Some users report occasional glitches
  • Limited advanced features

Availability: Android 

Shelley Husband Crochet

Shelley Husband Crochet provides crochet enthusiasts with patterns, tutorials, and blog posts curated by Shelley Husband. 

It's a valuable resource for clear instructions and beginner-friendly content in the crochet world.


  • Clear instructions
  • Beginner-friendly content
  • Regularly updated with new patterns


Limited interactive features

Availability: Android and iOS


knitCompanion is a versatile app offering interactive knitting and crochet patterns with stitch counters and customization options. 

It's ideal for advanced crafters looking for comprehensive pattern-tracking tools and integration with platforms like Ravelry.


  • Comprehensive tools for pattern tracking
  • Customization options
  • Integration with Ravelry


  • Steep learning curve for beginners
  • Subscription required for full access to features

Availability: Android and iOS

Easy Knitty Row Counter | Knit

Easy Knitty Row Counter | Knit is a straightforward app designed to help knitters track their rows. Its interface is simple, and the design options are customizable. 

It's perfect for knitters seeking an easy-to-use tool for managing multiple projects simultaneously.


  • Easy to use
  • No-frills interface
  • Ability to track multiple projects simultaneously


  • Basic features compared to other apps
  • Occasional syncing issues.

Availability: Android and iOS

Knitting and Crochet Buddy

Knitting and Crochet Buddy is a versatile app with stitch counters, project tracking, and a pattern library for knitting and crochet enthusiasts. 

Its beginner-friendly features and offline access to patterns make it an essential companion for crafters of all levels.


  • Versatile for both knitting and crochet, beginner-friendly
  • Offline access to patterns.


  • Limited advanced features
  • Occasional app crashes

Availability: Android and iOS

Apps That Teach Crochet: Learn How to Download

How to Download and Get Started

Ready to kickstart your crochet journey? Follow these simple steps to download your chosen app and begin your stitching adventure.

  1. Choose your desired crochet app from the app store on your device.
  2. Click on the app icon and select "Install" to download it onto your device.
  3. Once downloaded, open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account or sign in.
  4. Explore the app's features, browse tutorials, and start your first project by selecting a pattern or tutorial.
  5. Follow along with the instructions, practice your stitches, and enjoy your crochet learning experience!

Tips for Beginners to Start Your Crochet Learning Journey

Embarking on your crochet journey can be exciting and rewarding. Here are five tips to help beginners start their crochet learning adventure.

  • Start with the basics: Learn fundamental stitches like chain, single crochet, and double crochet before moving on to more complex techniques.
  • Invest in quality tools: Purchase a comfortable crochet hook and yarn appropriate for beginners to ensure a smooth learning experience.
  • Practice regularly: Dedicate daily time to practice your stitches and gradually build your skills.
  • Utilize online resources: Utilize online resources like tutorials and communities to expand your skills and seek guidance.
  • Be patient and persistent: Crochet takes time and practice to master, so stay resilient and don't be deterred by mistakes.

Troubleshooting and Help Resources

Encountering challenges is a natural part of the learning process. 

Here's how crochet apps provide troubleshooting assistance and help resources to support users along their stitching journey.

  • FAQ Section: Comprehensive list of frequently asked questions with detailed answers.
  • In-App Support: Direct access to customer support representatives for personalized assistance.
  • Video Tutorials: Step-by-step videos demonstrating common troubleshooting techniques.
  • Community Forums: Online forums where users can seek advice and solutions from fellow crafters.
  • Troubleshooting Guides: Written guides addressing common issues and offering solutions.
  • Help Center: Centralized resource hub containing articles, guides, and troubleshooting tips.
  • Live Chat Support: Instant messaging feature for real-time assistance from support staff.
  • Email Support: Option to contact support via email for detailed inquiries and troubleshooting help.

Summing It Up

In conclusion, crochet apps have transformed learning, offering convenience and resources for beginners and experienced stitchers alike. 

Take the first step today by downloading your chosen app and unlocking a world of creative possibilities. Happy crocheting!