Enjoy Food and Grocery Delivery with the Wibrate App

Laughter is loudest where there is food,” they say, and that saying is definitely true. The nicest person can turn into a grouch when their belly is empty, and so that's why we have things called grocery stores.

They are full of thousands of items designed to keep hunger at bay so we can be happy and full. But going grocery shopping isn't as easy as it sounds. Sometimes it can be downright stressful.


Ordering fast food sometimes seems a lot easier than getting out into the grocery store, grabbing a grocery cart, and stomping around a store for hours. Thank goodness technology has an answer for us with the Wibrate app.

Enjoy Food and Grocery Delivery with the Wibrate App

With the Wibrate app, you can order your groceries with a few simple taps on your phone. Sure you've still got to make all those decisions like brown bread or white, but doing it from your couch is a lot easier.

About Wibrate App

Wibrate is an app that allows registered users to make orders for food, groceries, beverages, or snacks from local shops and have them delivered for free. Yes, Free! What could be better than that?


In addition to all the item categories above, you can also arrange the delivery of daily products like milk and eggs so you never run out of them again.   

And it’s not only for groceries but for restaurants as well. Now you can share good times with your friends, eating good food on your couch. None of that cooking mess is required when you can just order. 

How to Download?

As you might have expected, the app only works in certain countries where they have an understanding with local stores. 


Nonetheless, everyone is tired to the bone of having to frequent grocery stores so you can decide to give it a shot and download the app at Google Play and see if your area has delivery.

How Does It Work?

Using Wibrate isn’t difficult at all. Once downloaded, all you have to do is create an account using an email and password then you’ll be directed to the page where you’ll set up details of your location. 

Your location is essential as it enables the app to only display stores that are nearby. Once set, you will see a list of available stores which you can easily order from. 

On delivery options, you can have the items delivered to your specified location; just like any other online shopping platform, however, there’s also a self-pickup option. 

To complete the order you have to input your card payment option and confirm. There you have it ... the items will be ready for delivery in minutes.

How Long Will it Take

How long your order will take depends on when you order and where you live. If you order in peak times, like at 6 p.m., it'll likely take longer. Also, if you live in a busy downtown, it can take longer too.

But you can track your order so you're not just sitting by the door waiting for it to arrive. There you’ll be able to see if it is New, Confirmed, Packed, or Picked up - if you decide to do a pickup. 

Enjoy Food and Grocery Delivery with the Wibrate App


We all agree that having an application that delivers food is a welcome development. While that’s true, having one that does it for free is even better.

Wibrate has shown us all that the dreaded e-commerce area we thought to be locked – that of the sale of perishable goods – has opened up. You no longer have to trudge to the store, because it'll trudge to you instead.