These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners

While there's nothing quite like the bond between a pet and its owner, it comes with a lot of responsibilities, and there are many things you need to think of when caring for your furry friend. You can even say that as a pet owner, there is simply no end to the tasks you need to do to care for your pet.

Fortunately, there are many apps available to support us in this endeavor. From training to daily care and grooming, there's an app for virtually every pet-related task imaginable. We've put together a list of helpful apps to help you find the best resources and keep your pet healthy.


The Whistle app helps dog parents track and monitor their pet's activity, scan a dog's activity, and act as a locator if the dog ever escapes. This is important for dog owners who live in cities where they can run through multiple streets and those who live in rural areas with no boundaries.

The Whistle tag is a revolutionary device created by pet lovers. It's the first GPS pet tracker and collar as a whole. Thanks to the tag, the app alerts you when your dog leaves its safe area so that you will always know where your best friend is. If it does escape outside their secure area, you will be notified and can track them down to safely return them home.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Regendus

Since the tracker is attached to their collar, it can also be used to monitor their daily movements. You can even assign activity goals based on your dog's age, breed, and weight after observing how much he or she moves. To make the most of Whistle, you can download the app for your iOS or Android smartphone.


Puppr is an excellent app with lessons for training your pet with basic commands and teaching them tricks. Created by professional dog trainers, Puppr offers over 70 lessons for training dogs of all ages and breeds. Each lesson includes clear written instructions, photos, and videos showing the lesson in action.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Furzly

Puppr's mission is to help you understand your dog better, making training more fun and effective. Not only can you track your progress through all the lessons, but your pooch has its own profile where you can see how many times it's earned digital badges for good behavior and completed classes. And if you're struggling, you can speak with a live trainer about what you can do.


Puppr is available to download for both Android and iOS. Free users can learn the majority of basic tricks and commands at no cost. However, if you believe you require more lessons, you can obtain a subscription for as little as $12.99 monthly or annually for $99.99.


DogLog is an amazing task manager for pet-loving families. It helps families communicate concerning dog care by syncing important tasks like letting the dog out, walking, and feeding. DogLog is currently available for free in the App Store for iOS and has the latest version for Android devices.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Pet Insurance

DogLog keeps those closest to your dog up to date and all on the same page. Anyone within your dog's caretaking family can know at a glance if the dog has been taken to the vet, walked, given their medication, fed, or watered.


Dog owners can use the app to share pictures and important messages with other pack members or caretakers. Every piece of information logged forms insights into your dog's life, and you can export the data to show your vet during a health check visit.

Pet First Aid

Pet First Aid is a must-have app for dog owners. If your beloved pet ever experiences an emergency or injury, the American Red Cross Dog First Aid app will help you administer life-saving treatment and support to your pet. It also provides easy-to-learn information about what to do and what not to do when your dog or cat has an allergic reaction.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Vita Bone

With clear layouts and photos of common illnesses, you can easily learn what to look for in the event that your pet needs medical attention. Preventative care information is also included to help ensure that your pup lives a long, happy, and healthy life.

That's not all! Not only are there instructions on what to do in an emergency, but there are also emergency tools to guide you to the nearest veterinary hospital. Having the American Red Cross Pet First Aid app downloaded on your Android or iOS device just in case is an smart idea.


Learning more about how to care for your pet can be one of the best things you can do for them. And joining a pet parenting community or group will give you access to valuable resources and experts who can help answer any question, large or small. The Pet Parents app allows you to connect with other pet parents in major cities

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Live Science

The groups are filled with a helpful community of people who care for and love their pets and are always willing to help other pet owners. Not only do they provide pet support, but they also give you information on pet-friendly places where you can take your pets. These include doggie daycare, groomers, dog parks, and general parks where pets are allowed.

In addition, if you've got some pet-related items to purchase, you can use the app to buy new and used pet products. Also, completing daily tasks will earn you engagement points that you can redeem for free products and vouchers. This in-demand app is available for download from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Dog Scanner

If you love dogs but aren't sure what breed a cute pooch is, look no further than Dog Scanner. This simple and intuitive app lets you scan a dog's photo and quickly identify its breed. So you can know in a few clicks whether you're looking at a schnauzer or an Irish wolfhound!

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Dogtap

Dog Scanner scans the dog with your phone camera or photo and uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to determine the dog's breeding. The app includes over 350 breeds of various dogs and others that are not officially recognized. The best part, it only takes a few moments for the app to determine the breed.

The Dog Scanner app will teach anyone, of any age, about different dog breeds and characteristics. This insightful app is also great for learning more about your dog. Dog Scanner can be downloaded from the App Store and the Google Play Store.


Petcube is an interactive pet camera and a treat dispenser that keeps you in touch with your dog (or cat) while you're away. The basic Petcube camera monitors your pets, whereas other versions include treat dispensers that can be activated from anywhere.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Petcube

With the Petcube device, you can check in with your dog, talk to them using the microphone and speaker built into the Petcube device, and reward them with a treat if they sit. It is enjoyable for you, allows you to connect with them while you are not present, and they benefit from it!

It is available for Android and iOS devices and allows you to connect to your Petcube device to monitor your pets in real-time wherever you are.

Pet Diabetes Tracker

Keeping an eye on a pet's health and diabetes is crucial, but it can become difficult when you are juggling many things at once. The Pet Diabetes Tracker app helps owners stay on top of everything concerning their loved one's health, from insulin to food.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
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The app lets you enter details about your dog or cat's health, including blood glucose levels, body condition, and weight gain or loss. You can also see how much food they eat, their diet, and their medications. Then you can share it with your veterinarian and ask questions as necessary before visiting a veterinary appointment.

In addition to providing owners with reports on their pet's health, the Pet Diabetes Tracker app also serves as a reminder for insulin shots and veterinary appointments. This app is available for download on the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store.


Chewy is an app that every pet owner should have on their mobile device. Chewy is an app that sells a diverse selection of medications, foods, toys, and other items to meet the needs of almost any pet owner. From high-end dog food, treats, and supplements to everyday essentials like cat litter, Chewy has our furry friends covered.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Yahoo Finance

Additionally, it is very well organized and designed, with separate sections for favorite items and auto-ship orders. It is the best app for pet supplies, including pet food, supplements, aquariums, toys, treats, and litter.

Your food can be regularly delivered to your door using their auto-shipped deliveries feature, saving you from having to run to the store every time you run low. In addition, Android and iOS devices support the chewy app for download.


The 11pets app is the most comprehensive digital pet-care platform and caters to all of your pet's needs. In addition, the app features a calendar that reminds you to feed and exercise your pet daily, as well as a personal profile for each pet in your home.

These 10 Apps Are Great For Pet Owners
Image Source: Medium

Available for download on both Android and iOS devices, this app is great for all pet owners to keep track of your pet's medical history. It can record information about a pet's diet, weight, medical visits, and any due immunizations.

In addition, this app will allow you to share and maintain a record of your pet's medical history with family members or close friends who may be caring for your pet when you can't be there personally. It also allows multiple family members to access cameras and videos, so everyone has peace of mind.


These pet-friendly apps offer a wide range of pet care help, including management, professional assistance, or automated training. In fact, some apps are even fully automated to run the whole process on their own and make your and your pets' lives effortlessly fun and healthy.